
Spring vs Jboss

What are the advantages and disadvantages for Spring vs. Jboss for an enterprise web application.


  • As already said, but let me just restate the point. JBoss is an application server. Some Java application servers include

    Spring is a framework. A rather large framework which offers quite a bit but for me one of the main features is MVC. MVC is a design pattern where you separate your Model from View from your Contoller. The model is the representation of the data. This can be backed by things like database or XML files. The view is what is used to view the model. This can be either web frontend or a windows application. The user will interact with the view. The user will express their desire for the model to be updated. This is where the controller comes in. We use the contoller to tell the model to update. And because the view is based on the model the view then gets updated too. This is over simplifying but in a nutshell. Other MVC framework that you can look at is Struts.

    Like I said earlier there are other features that Spring offers such as