
Deploy Angular 10 app with localize using Firebase

I'm using Angular 10 (the last version at the moment) and @angular/localize to translate my app into french and english.

Everything is well configured.

For the build, I'm using this command:

"build:prod": "ng build --prod --localize"

which gives:

enter image description here

I want to deploy the app using Firebase. I correctly set everything when running firebase init hosting

firebase.json looks like:

  "hosting": {
    "public": "dist/myAngularApp",
    "ignore": [

Now my issue is that there is no index.html file at the root of dist/myAngularApp so when deploying and targeting default url, nothing is displayed.

For example:

I want to render the english version of the app by default and I expected, I could specify it when building my project using a specific option or inside angular.json file.

Any idea ?

Thank you !


  • Add a rewrite rule to your hosting object in your firebase.json:

    "rewrites": [ 
      { "source": "**", "destination": "/en/index.html"} 