
Cannot Upload .GLB to Wordpress Media Location

This is not a quick failure, I have spent a totally of 5 completely full days trying to figure this out. Initially I was limited by file size and then file type; in which I removed the Wordpress restrictions and am now "capable" of uploading my 177MB .glb file to Wordpress.

However when doing so, I receive the following error:

Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page.

I was on the phone with GoDaddy Specialists for 2.5 hours yesterday ensuring that this was not a Server issue or restriction on their side.. they confirmed that it was not. We pretty much ended the conversation that it is something I must figure out with me, myself, and I.

I went ahead and uploaded my .glb to the server through panel, everything worked fine. In fact I have a location for it here:

However, this does not make the file discoverable to the 3D viewer plugins I have installed on the site through the media location.

I truly don't know where to go from here

I changed the name of the file to .png and attempted an upload and received the following error:

Post-processing of the image failed likely because the server is busy or does not have enough resources. Uploading a smaller image may help. Suggested maximum size is 2500 pixels.

I just tried to update a normal .mov file that is 150MB and received the following error; really making me think this is something to do with file size:

Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page.

Yes, normal images are uploading just fine (2MB-ish)

I just attempted to deactivate all plugins with consideration that maybe "Smush" or another was imposing issues: I then received the issue that the file type is not supported (even with the allow all file types code in my wp-config)

Is this just the case that glb is not allowed at all?


  • This must be a server thing. probably a run time error
    Whoever supported you just doesn't know it. GoGoDaddy. ;)

    Nevertheless... you can Use a plugin that's called
    media sync. Check it out and best of luck