I try to send [Strg]+[Win]+[Numpad3] to OBS Studio to pause recording via an Autohotkey script. My current approach is the following one because I want to avoid that other applications react on this shortcut. For example Notepad++ changes with this the open tabs.
ControlSend, , ^#{Numpad3}, ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon
Actually, nothing happens in OBS Studio. Even when using {Ctrl down}
and {LWin down}
it does not work. Do you have an idea?
Use SetKeyDelay
(or use separate up & down events with delay inbetween) to make the key be hold down for a bit longer.
Worked for me.
;hold down for 50ms
SetKeyDelay, -1, 50
ControlSend, , ^#{Numpad3}, ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon