
What are the specifics about the continuations upon which Raku(do) relies?

The topic of delimited continuations was barely discussed among programming language enthusiasts in the 1990s. It has recently been re-emerging as a major thing in programming language discussions.

Aiui continuations aren't directly exposed in Raku, so perhaps the correct answer related to Raku (as against Rakudo) would be "there are no continuations". But what about Rakudo? What features in Raku rely on them?

My hope is that someone can at least authoritatively say whether the continuations underlying Rakudo (as contrasted with Raku) do or don't have each of the six characteristics listed below, quoted essentially verbatim from a comment written in November 2019 by Ron Pressler, the person driving a project aimed at adding continuations to the JVM.

PS. Thank you to @Larry who understood things deeply enough to know continuations needed to be part of the picture; to Stefan O'Rear for his contributions, including the initial implementations of what I think are one-shot multi prompt delimited continuations; and to jnthn for making the dream come true.


  • Rakudo uses continuations as an implementation strategy for two features:

    The characteristics of the continuations implemented follow the requirements of these language features. I'll go through them in a slightly different order than above because it eases explaining.

    As I understand it - though I follow from a distance - the JVM continuations are at least partly aimed at the same design space that the Raku await mechanism is in, and so I'd be surprised if they didn't end up providing what Raku needs. This would clearly simplify compilation of Raku code to the JVM (currently it does the global CPS transform as it does code generation, which curiously turned out simpler than I expected), and it'd almost certainly perform much better too, because the transform required probably obscures quite a few things from the perspective of the JIT compiler.

    So far as code goes, you can see the current continuations implementation, which uses the continuation data structure which in turn has various bits of memory management. At the time of writing, these have all been significantly refactored as part of the new callstack representation required by ongoing dispatcher work; those changes do make working with continuations more efficient, but don't change the overall set of operations.