In the following you can see an example of my table:
test_id test_date test_date_from cash_per_step
1 2020-01-01 2019-12-30 30
1 2020-01-21 2019-12-30 40
1 2020-02-28 2019-12-30 30
2 2020-01-01 2019-12-30 30
2 2020-01-21 2019-12-30 40
2 2020-02-28 2019-12-30 30
As you can see, there is no unique ID (unfortunately I cannot change it either). I want to create a view that ONLY contains the rows that contain the MAX (test_date) for each MONTH for every test_id!
So like this:
test_id test_date test_date_from cash_per_step
1 2020-01-21 2019-12-30 40
1 2020-02-28 2019-12-30 30
2 2020-01-21 2019-12-30 40
2 2020-02-28 2019-12-30 30
The data is only test data, please excuse that it is double. I am only interested in the functionality of the query.
This should work in both MySQL (8.0+) and SQL Server.
FIRST_VALUE(test_date) OVER (PARTITION BY test_id,MONTH(test_date), YEAR(test_date)
ORDER BY test_date desc ) as test_date,
FIRST_VALUE(test_date_from) OVER (PARTITION BY test_id,MONTH(test_date), YEAR(test_date)
ORDER BY test_date desc ) as test_date_from,
FIRST_VALUE(cash_per_step) OVER (PARTITION BY test_id,MONTH(test_date), YEAR(test_date)
ORDER BY test_date desc ) as cash_per_step
FROM YourTable