Hello I am wanting to connect an external GPS unit via I2C or serial to a raspberry pi 3 running android things to have this GPS unit provide location data.
So far using the Rasbarian OS I have a working python script with custom libraries. The script outputs raw NMEA data.
I am wondering how would I need to run this script to be able to have Android Location services use this data for location services? Would I need to create an app using the location services API? Or since this is a locally installed device would I need to write firmware or some kind? I am just wondering if someone could point me in the right direction of what kind of software I would need to write (an app or driver or firmware) in order to have this NMEA data accessible for location services.
Example of GPS driver connected via serial port you can find in Android Things user-space GPS driver and how to use it you can find in UART GPS sample for Android Things. Also take a look at Official Documentation and examples like this.