I'm trying to make a reentrant flex&bison parser but I got this strange error:
too few arguments to function call, expected 5, have 4
I can see that the code generated by Bison looks like this:
static void
yydestruct (const char *yymsg,
yysymbol_kind_t yykind, YYSTYPE *yyvaluep, void *scanner, struct BisonOutput *out)
{ ...some code... }
yyparse (void *scanner, struct BisonOutput *out)
...some code...
yydestruct ("Cleanup: discarding lookahead",
yytoken, &yylval, out); // <--- here void*scanner parameter is clearly missing
...some code...
My code is this:
%define api.pure full
%lex-param {void *scanner}
%parse-param {void *scanner, struct BisonOutput *out}
struct BisonOutput{
int out;
#include "syntax_parser.h"
#include "lex.yy.h"
#include <stdio.h>
%define api.value.type union
%token <int> NUM
...bunch of other tokens...
...bunch of grammar rules...
... main function and such ...
And Flex code is as follows:
#include "syntax_parser.h"
%option reentrant bison-bridge noyywrap
blanks [ \t\n]+
number [0-9]+
%option noyywrap
... bunch of rules ...
I'm really lost. Why doesn't bison plug scanner
into yydestruct
despite clearly using it in yyparse
You are not allowed to put two parameters in a %*-param
declaration. The correct way to produce the set of parameters you want is:
%param { void* scanner }
%parse-param { struct BisonOutput* out }
Bison doesn't really parse the code between {
and }
. All it does is identify the last identifier which it assumes is the name of the parameter. It also assumes that the code is a syntactically-correct declaration of a single parameter, and it is inserted as such in the prototypes. Since it's actually two parameters, it can be inserted without problem into a prototype, but since only one argument is inserted into the calls to the function, these don't match the prototype.
(Really, void* scanner
should be yyscan_t scanner
, with a prior typedef void* yyscan_t;
. But perhaps it is not really better.)
You might also consider putting the declaration of struct BisonOutput
into a %code requires
(or %code provides
) block, so that it is automatically included in the bison-generated header file.