I am making a simple todolist app. Here is a watered-down version of it:
public class Main extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception{
ListView<Label> todoListView = new ListView();
Label doneTodo = new Label ("This todo is meant to be finished and struck through");
doneTodo.getStyleClass().add("done"); // Add the "done" class to this to-do
Label undoneTodo = new Label("This todo is meant to be undone and therefore isn't struck through");
// Add both to-dos to the listview
addTodo(doneTodo, todoListView);
addTodo(undoneTodo, todoListView);
// Set the listview as the scene, and add the stylesheet
Scene scene = new Scene(todoListView, 600, 550);
primaryStage.setTitle("Label not taking on Strikethrough");
// Adds the to-do (in this case just a simple Label) to the listview
private static void addTodo(Label todo, ListView<Label> todoList) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Here is my CSS class:
.done {
-fx-strikethrough: true;
When I run the code, the -fx-strikethrough
property does not show up on my Label. Note that although this is a simplified version of my app, the issue remains the same: The text inside the JavaFX Label is not being struck through.
Again, sorry for any inadequacies in my question. I am fairly new to Stack Overflow!
Thanks in advance.
The CSS rule should apply to the text node under the label node:
.done .text {
-fx-strikethrough: true;