
Chrome: how to open a local pdf on a specific page

For an online pdf I can simply add #page=10 after the url to open the pdf on the page 10.

But this doesn't work for local pdf. [2020 edit: this is now working for local pdf also cf. the selected answer]

Let's say I open this url file:///C:/Users/Me/Desktop/My%20Documents/textbook.pdf in chrome. If I add #page=10 at the end of the link (the pdf has more than 50 pages), then chrome returns this error:

Your file was not found It may have been moved or deleted.

Also Chrome change the url (cf My%2520Documents): file:///C:/Users/Me/Desktop/My%2520Documents/textbook.pdf%23page=10


  • For my Chrome(Version 83.0.4103.116 (Official Build) (64-bit)) It works with #page=number, if I open a new tab and paste the link: file:///D:/test.pdf#page=5 Chrome will open the pdf at page 5.