
SQL Server: Double data size of a table when altering column type

I altered the type of a column in to an actual smaller type:

-- change type from nvarchar(100) to varchar(50)
Alter Table [MyTable] Alter column [MyColumn] varchar(50) 

The table contains 4 Mio. records. Before it used around 1.1 GB of space, after the altering of the column, it uses 2.2 GB space. Is there any explanation for that?

I find the space it uses either by SMO or by looking at the table properties in the sql server management studio: "MyTable -> Properties -> Storage -> Data space". Now I doubt that this is the actual space used by the data.


  • Run ALTER INDEX ALL On MyTable REBUILD and then check space again with the "true" flag

    Basically, the change in type has fragmented storage somehow: for example it is now NULLable and it wasn't before which affects the on-disk structures. I chose this example because you have not specified NULL/NOT NULL in your ALTER TABLE