
compare an array of dates to check date overlap in an easy way in java-script

I would like to check any date conflicts occurring in my date array. I have an array like this.


The first date in individual array is start date and end date respectively. What I want to check here is, the first array date is conflicting with the following dates in the array. So that I can assign a person based on the date. One person can assign to a single date time. So anybody knows the perfect ES6 way to solve this?


  • I have created a function to solve this question. dateTimes is the array which contains the dates.

    checkDateTimeOverlap = (dateTimes)=>{
            let isOverlap = false;
            dateTimes.forEach((time,i) => {
                let  st1 = time[0];
                let  et1 = time[1];
                dateTimes.forEach((time2,j) => {               
                    if(i != j){
                        let st2 = time2[0];
                        let et2 = time2[1];
                        if (st1 >= st2 && st1 <= et2 || et1 >= st2 && et1 <= et2 || st2 >= st1 && st2 <= et1 || et2 >= st1 && et2 <= et1) {
                            isOverlap =  true;
                            isOverlap =  false;
            return isOverlap;