
Trying to upgrade SQLite on Amazon EC2

I need SQLite minimum version 3.8 to support a MediaWiki install on Amazon EC2. Amazon Linux is based on CentOS and the latest version available in the yum repository is SQLite 3.7.17.

The downloads available from don't include 64-bit Linux. There is a GitHub repository that has a prebuilt 64-bit version, however it's only the command line version. I put it at /usr/bin:

$ which sqlite3
$ sqlite3 --version
sqlite3: /lib64/ no version information available (required by sqlite3)
3.26.0 2018-12-01 12:34:55 bf8c1b2b7a5960c282e543b9c293686dccff272512d08865f4600fb58238b4f9

But MediaWiki still complains I have SQLite 3.7.17 installed. When I test it I get:

$ cat x.php


Run it:

$ php7 x.php

    [versionString] => 3.7.17
    [versionNumber] => 3007017

I am guessing this is because of these libraries:

$ sudo find / -name "libsqlite*"

How can I download/rebuild or otherwise install a later version of these SQLite libraries?


  • The easiest option I found was to build it myself. Tested on Amazon Linux release 2 (Karoo).

    1. Download the latest source code with the configure script from here. Currently this is:
      curl | tar xzf -

    2. Go into the created directory and create the Makefile with our system dependant options:
      cd ./sqlite-autoconf-3320300 && ./configure

    3. Build the binary

    4. Install it
      sudo make install

    5. Clean up
      cd .. && rm -r ./sqlite-autoconf-3320300

    Note: It's far from ideal to do this without a proper RPM package. If you update sqlite through yum, you will overwrite you manually built version.