
Google Cloud Storage - Public object url e super slow updating

I have a bucket with READ permission to allUsers and it's working fine but the public url link takes ages to update: if I change the image in storage for a different one with the same name, the bucket view shows the correct image as well as the not public image url however the public url shows the old image and it takes a long time to update. Could someone explain if this is normal or if I'm doing something wrong?


  • You can set the cache-control when you are uploading the object:

    Using gsutil when

    1. Uploading

    gsutil -D -h Cache-Control:"Cache-Control:private, max-age=0, no-transform" cp file gs://BUCKET/file

    1. Editing: gsutil set meta

    gsutil setmeta -h Cache-Control:"Cache-Control:private, max-age=0, no-transform" gs://BUCKET/file

    Or through the console:

    enter image description here

    Currently, there is no way to set a default cache-control for the bucket.

    You might be interested in taking a look into this Viewing / Editing Metadata