I need to create some custom Endpoints for my Iot Hub through PowerShell. The cmdlet Add-AzIotHubRoutingEndpoint isn't sufficient since it doesn't provide the possibility to customize the BatchFrequencyInSeconds and the MaxChunkSizeInBytes properties.
Can this be achieved somehow?
I found a solution. The Set-AzIotHub has a parameter -RoutingProperties and in this way you can achieve greater customization. What I did was the following:
# Create an endpoint object
$customEndpoint = New-Object "Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Management.IotHub.Models.PSRoutingStorageContainerEndpoint"
# Set its contents...
# Get the routing properties from your Iot Hub
$routingProperties = $iotHub.Properties.Routing
# Add this endpoint to the specified category, mine was a storage container endpoint
# Then call Set-AzIotHub
$iotHub = Set-AzIotHub `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Name "$($ResourceGroupName)$($IotHubSettings.NameSuffix)" `
-RoutingProperties $routingProperties