
AttributeError: module 'apscheduler.schedulers.asyncio' has no attribute 'get_event_loop'

I am trying to implement clock process to use in Heroku dyno. I am using Python 3.6. Clock process will run each 3 hours. This is the code:

import os
import sys

import requests
from apscheduler.schedulers import asyncio
from apscheduler.schedulers.asyncio import AsyncIOScheduler
from apscheduler.triggers.interval import IntervalTrigger
from webdriverdownloader import GeckoDriverDownloader

from scraper.common import main

def get_driver():
    return True

def notify(str):
    return True;

if __name__ == '__main__':
    scheduler = AsyncIOScheduler()
    scheduler.add_job(main, trigger=IntervalTrigger(hours=3))

    # Execution will block here until Ctrl+C (Ctrl+Break on Windows) is pressed.
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

At first I tried with


However, I read that this is not supported in python 3.6, so I changed this statement to run_until_complete.

If I run this example, the code prints out:

AttributeError: module 'apscheduler.schedulers.asyncio' has no attribute 'get_event_loop'

Does anyone know why this error occurs? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • You're not importing the asyncio module from the standard library but the asyncio module in the apscheduler library. You can see that by visiting the link here.

    There are only two things you can import from that namespace:

    1. run_in_event_loop
    2. AsyncIOScheduler

    If you need to use the low-level asyncio API just import asyncio directly from the standard library.