
Is it possible to edit the url of an image before cache it by SDWebImage?

I am using S3 image url. It contains a secret key part. I am using SDWebImage to load the images. I want to cache the images, but due to the signature change from the S3, I am not able to cache the image(due to signature change all image urls are deferent). Is it possible to cache the image without this signature in the url?


  • I got the answer for this. SDWebImage providing download with out caching and caching with a key. As per my requirement, this is enough.

    Once cached it will be available on the next checking of cache availability. So no need to cache the image multiple times.

    extension UIImageView {

    func setImage(imageUrlString: String) {
        let sdManager = SDWebImageManager.shared
        let sdDownloader = SDWebImageDownloader.shared
        let sdChache = SDImageCache.shared
        var cacheKey: String?
        let placeholderimage = UIImage(named: "placeholder.png")
        guard let imageURL = URL(string: imageUrlString) else {
            self.image = placeholderimage
        guard let key = sdManager.cacheKey(for: imageURL) else {return}// set the key you want. In the case of s3 images you can remove the signature part and use the remainig url as key, beacause it's unique.
        cacheKey = key
        if let key = cacheKey {
            if let cachedImage = sdChache.imageFromCache(forKey: key) {
                self.image = cachedImage
            else {
                self.sd_imageIndicator = SDWebImageActivityIndicator.gray
                sdDownloader.downloadImage(with: imageURL) { (downloadedImage, imageData, error, status) in
                    if let image = downloadedImage, let data = imageData {
                        self.image = image
              , imageData: data, forKey: key, cacheType: .all) {
                            print("Image Cached with key==> \(key)")
                        self.image = placeholderimage
