
How to migrate SQL Server Instance from Local Instance to Azure VM SQL Server Instance using dbatools powershell?

How to migrate SQL Server Instance from Local Instance to Azure VM SQL Server Instance?

Seeking for experts support resolving following issue.


LocalInstance: SQLSRV01

Azure VM:

-Local SQL SERVER and Azure VM SQL SERVER Instance are of SQLSERVER 2017 (14.0)

-Added Inbound port rule for sql server

-SharedPath accessible from both sides ( Local computer as well as from Azure VM: )

-DBSERVER17 instance is accessible and connected from local computer

-Same command worked well at my local computer with two different SQL SERVER Instances.

Power Shell Script:

 $params = @{
 Source = "SQLSRV01"
 Destination = ""
 SharedPath = "Z:"
 BackupRestore = $true
  Start-DbaMigration @params -Force | Select * | Out-GridView

Output Received:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> E:\PowerShellScripts\RemoteInstance.ps1
WARNING: [16:05:58][Copy-DbaSpConfigure] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait operat
ion timed out
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaCustomError] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait operat
ion timed out
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaCredential] Console not elevated, but elevation is required to perform some actions on loc
alhost for this command.
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaDbMail] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait operation t
imed out
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaRegServer] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait operatio
n timed out
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaBackupDevice] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait opera
tion timed out
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaInstanceTrigger] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait op
eration timed out
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaDatabase] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait operation
 timed out
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaLogin] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait operation ti
med out
The wait operation timed out
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\dbatools\1.0.113\allcommands.ps1:83435 char:9
         throw $records[0]
     CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], Exception
     FullyQualifiedErrorId : dbatools_Connect-DbaInstance


  • Supplied parameters $scred, $dcred then passed $scred object to the SourceSqlCredential and passed $dcred object to the DestinationSqlCredential that's it.

      $scred = Get-Credential
      $dcred = Get-Credential
      $params = @{
      Source = "SQLSRV01"
      Destination = ""
      SourceSqlCredential = $scred
      DestinationSqlCredential =$dcred
      SharedPath = "\\SharedDB"
      BackupRestore = $true
       Start-DbaMigration @params -Force | Select * | Out-GridView