How to migrate SQL Server Instance from Local Instance to Azure VM SQL Server Instance?
Seeking for experts support resolving following issue.
LocalInstance: SQLSRV01
Azure VM:
-Local SQL SERVER and Azure VM SQL SERVER Instance are of SQLSERVER 2017 (14.0)
-Added Inbound port rule for sql server
-SharedPath accessible from both sides ( Local computer as well as from Azure VM: )
-DBSERVER17 instance is accessible and connected from local computer
-Same command worked well at my local computer with two different SQL SERVER Instances.
Power Shell Script:
$params = @{
Source = "SQLSRV01"
Destination = ""
SharedPath = "Z:"
BackupRestore = $true
Start-DbaMigration @params -Force | Select * | Out-GridView
Output Received:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> E:\PowerShellScripts\RemoteInstance.ps1
WARNING: [16:05:58][Copy-DbaSpConfigure] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait operat
ion timed out
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaCustomError] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait operat
ion timed out
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaCredential] Console not elevated, but elevation is required to perform some actions on loc
alhost for this command.
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaDbMail] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait operation t
imed out
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaRegServer] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait operatio
n timed out
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaBackupDevice] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait opera
tion timed out
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaInstanceTrigger] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait op
eration timed out
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaDatabase] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait operation
timed out
WARNING: [16:06:15][Copy-DbaLogin] Error occurred while establishing connection to | The wait operation ti
med out
The wait operation timed out
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\dbatools\1.0.113\allcommands.ps1:83435 char:9
throw $records[0]
CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], Exception
FullyQualifiedErrorId : dbatools_Connect-DbaInstance
Supplied parameters $scred, $dcred then passed $scred object to the SourceSqlCredential and passed $dcred object to the DestinationSqlCredential that's it.
$scred = Get-Credential
$dcred = Get-Credential
$params = @{
Source = "SQLSRV01"
Destination = ""
SourceSqlCredential = $scred
DestinationSqlCredential =$dcred
SharedPath = "\\SharedDB"
BackupRestore = $true
Start-DbaMigration @params -Force | Select * | Out-GridView