I usually test my apps on my Ipad 2 that runs on IOS 9.3.5
also I'm using angular 10.
I've just created a new app and when running it I get blank page on Safari
and Chrome
(I think they use the same webkit)
Looking at the console of Safari
it says absolutely nothing.
I went through other types of similar questions on SO
but can't find the solutions
the only thing I can say is that the basic html loads normally but with nothing inside <app-root>
By the way the app is working just well on a recent Android
Should I activate more polyfills?
So I've updated to angular 10
As mentioned by @cjd82187 Angular doesn't take care natively old support based on es5
everything is now esm2015
so in order to make it work on my old Ipad I needed to add in my ts.config.base.json
"compilerOptions": {
target: 'es5',
I also added safari 9
inside my browserlistrc