
c++ bad_alloc or memory leak when reading paths from a file and performing fft

I am trying to read a text file with paths of wave files, and then performing FFT on them. However sometimes either i met with std::bad_alloc error, or it will just hang there and not run, and the memory will just build up to 100+Gb (i open a separate terminal and monitor htop), im guesing this is a memory leak issue? And sometimes (1% of the time), it will just run smoothly.

The text file:

name1 /path/to/this/wavpath/name1.wav
name2 /path/to/this/wavpath/name2.wav
name100 /path/to/this/wavpath/name100.wav

main script:

int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
  // Init (Time) : These are variables for me to count the time taken for ReadingAudio and PerformingFFT
    struct timeval start, end; 
    double time_taken;
    double SUM_readaudio, SUM_computeFFT;
    double AVG_readaudio, AVG_computeFFT;
    vector<double> Dur_readaudio(100,0), Dur_computeFFT(100,0);
    gettimeofday(&start, NULL); ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); 

  // Init (Read Audio) : These are variables for me to count the time taken for Reading Audio
    int AUDIO_DURATION = 5*8000;
    vector<double> buffer;

  // Init (FFT) : These are variables for me to count the time taken for PerformingFFT
    int nfft = 372;
    int hop_length = nfft/2;
    int numFrames;
    vector<vector<double> > Spectrogram(numFrames, vector<double>(nfft/2));

  cout << "\n==== Params =====" << endl;
    cout << " This exec name = " << argv[0] << endl;
    const char* wav_scp = argv[1];
    printf("wav_scp = %s\n", wav_scp);

  // Create Window
    vector<double> windowFunction = computeWindow(nfft);

  // Reading wav.scp
    unsigned space_idx;
    ifstream file(wav_scp);
    string uttid, wavpath, curr_line;
    int npt=0;
    string line;
    if (file.is_open()) {
      while (getline(file, line)) {
        // Get uttid and string path
          curr_line = line.c_str();
          space_idx = curr_line.find(" ");
          uttid = curr_line.substr(0, space_idx);
          wavpath = curr_line.substr(space_idx+1, curr_line.length());

        gettimeofday(&start, NULL); ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
        /* Read Audio */
          gettimeofday(&end, NULL); 
          time_taken = get_duration(start, end);
          cout << "time_taken=" << time_taken << endl;

        gettimeofday(&start, NULL); ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
        /* Compute FFT */
          gettimeofday(&end, NULL); 
          time_taken = get_duration(start, end);
          cout << "time_taken=" << time_taken << endl;


  cout << "Done" << endl;
  return 0 ;

I omitted the Read audio and Compute FFT because i dont think they induce the problem, as even when i omit them, i face the same problem.

I sometimes have the following error message:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

Some observations:

  1. Comment out all the redundant lines under all the \\ Inits (*), as well as all \\ Read Audio & \\ Compute FFT codes, it can run successfully
  2. But when JUST bringing back the lines under the Inits, without the \\ Read Audio & \\ Compute FFT codes, the bad_alloc sometimes happens.
  3. If i comment out the \\ Get uttid and string path, and assign a fixed wavpath, it can run the \\ Read Audio & \\ Compute FFT smoothly. (although it is still iterating the text file, except the lines are not being used)


  • The variable numFrames isn't initialised. This is undefined behaviour.

    Typically this should result in Spectrogram having an arbitrary and most likely very high size, which should explain the memory problem.