I'm listening for a notification using the following code:
.flatMap { rxBleConnection -> rxBleConnection.setupNotification(charUUID) }
.doOnNext { }
.flatMap { notificationObservable -> notificationObservable } // <-- Notification has been set up, now observe value changes.
{ bytes ->
run {
// Log.i("Notification!", bytes!!.contentToString())
// println(bytes.toHex())
sp?.play(pool?.get(mRandom.nextInt(pool!!.size))!!, 1F, 1F, 0, 0, 1F)
{ throwable -> Log.i(TAG, throwable.toString())}
This notification works. I am able to see the value of the notification change when my device's sensor is activated.
Now, I want to click a button and send a write operation using the following code:
.flatMapSingle({ rxBleConnection -> rxBleConnection.writeCharacteristic(charUUID, bytesToWrite) })
{ characteristicValue ->
run {
Log.d(TAG, "Write Command Succeeded")
{ throwable ->
run {
Log.d(TAG, "Write Command Failed")
Log.d(TAG, throwable.toString())
When I click the button I get the error message in the log output below. It says I am already connected. How can I send a write operation without attempting to connect again?
Expected behavior I am expecting to be able to listen to notifications and also send write operations in the same Activity.
Log Output
D/ColorsFragment: Write Command Failed
com.polidea.rxandroidble2.exceptions.BleAlreadyConnectedException: Already connected to device with MAC address 34:81:F4:C6:09:0F
You should share the same connection within all of the reads/writes. The most simple way is to use RxReplayingShare
val connection = rxBleDevice.establishConnection(false).compose(ReplayingShare.instance())
connection.subscribe({}, {}) // initiate connection
connection.flatMap({ /* do your first read/write */ }).take(1).subscribe()
connection.flatMap({ /* do your second read/write */ }).take(1).subscribe()
This approach is not suitable for all of the cases, so I would recommend you take a look at the documentation page focused on this issue.