
How to change "default" Jenkins build status label on GitHub?

What do I have:

  1. Jenkins job (Freestyle Project). Job trigger is GitHub Pull Request Builder
  2. GitHub repository
  3. Webhook to trigger the Jenkins job

What do I want: change "default" label from the screenshot below to something more specific, lets say, "Codestyle"

enter image description here

, so the text will be "Codestyle - Build finished."

What have I tried: adding GitHub commit status enter image description here It resulted in two build statuses:

enter image description here


  • Found a workaround (reference):

    1. GitHub Pull Request Builder -> Application Setup: enter image description here
    2. Job -> Build Triggers -> Trigger Setup enter image description here


    enter image description here

    To keep build statuses, I removed --none-- from "Commit Status Build Triggered" and "Commit Status Build Started" fields.