In order to use my custom TF model through WinML, I converted it to onnx using the tf2onnx converter. The conversion finally worked using opset 11. Unfortunately I cannot load the model in the WinRT c++ library, therefore I am confused about the opset support: According to the Release Notes, the latest WinML release in May supports opset 11. I updated my VS2019 and downloaded the latest Windows 10 SDK, does the c++ API already include the latest onnx support? Or is there any alternative way to use my model in WinML c++?
The latest release of Windows OS contains support for opset 9. The latest release of Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning NuGet package contains support for opset 11.
Please refer to these release notes:
You can find the latest Microsoft.AI.MachineLearning NuGet package here: