I am trying to make an Infinite list using flutter bloc.
I have taken reference from here: https://github.com/felangel/bloc/blob/926029cae2d7614d38b5a9a8952e36bb59054b02/examples/github_search/common_github_search/lib/src/github_search_bloc/github_search_bloc.dart#L15
According to this post, to add a delay between two events so that api doesn't get spammed, you need to override transformEvents
and add debounce to events like this:
Stream<GithubSearchState> transformEvents(
Stream<GithubSearchEvent> events,
Stream<GithubSearchState> Function(GithubSearchEvent event) next,
) {
return (events as Observable<GithubSearchEvent>)
Duration(milliseconds: 300),
Problem I am facing is that the Observable has been deprecated by RxDart and I am not sure how to accomplish the above requirement.
I found the solution.
Stream<Transition< GithubSearchEvent, GithubSearchState >> transformEvents(
Stream< GithubSearchEvent > events, transitionFn) {
return events
.debounceTime(const Duration(milliseconds: 300))