I am exploring to see if we could run confluent on windows. As per the following articles, it seems windows is not supported.
https://docs.confluent.io/current/installation/versions-interoperability.html#operating-systems Confluent Platform in Windows
However, when I look at confluent CLI, windows seems to be supported
But again, there is a phrase here about windows is not being supported.
On non-Windows platforms, the Confluent CLI offers confluent local commands (designed to operate on a local install of Confluent Platform) which require Java, and JDK version 1.8 or 1.11 is recommended. If you have multiple versions of Java installed, set JAVA_HOME to the version you want Confluent Platform to use.
So, the questions are
PS : Please give inputs without referring to virtualized environments such as Docker
Yes, you are right windows is not supported.
The CLI you get for windows is only to manage and retrieve metadata for the remote confluent platform. First, you will have to log in to confluent by issuing command confluent.exe login --url <url>
More info at confluent-login.
Following are the commands you get with confluent windows distribution:
Available Commands:
audit-log Manage audit log configuration.
cluster Retrieve metadata about Confluent Platform clusters.
completion Print shell completion code.
connect Manage Connect.
help Help about any command
iam Manage RBAC, ACL and IAM permissions.
kafka Manage Apache Kafka.
ksql Manage ksqlDB applications.
login Log in to Confluent Platform (required for RBAC).
logout Log out of Confluent Platform.
schema-registry Manage Schema Registry.
secret Manage secrets for Confluent Platform.
update Update the Confluent CLI.
version Print the Confluent CLI version.
And windows is also not supported for local development. You can't issue confluent commands like confluent local