Hi All I have a little app that takes an address on the stop model and geo codes it via geocoder gem
class Stop < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :trip
acts_as_list scope: :trip
after_validation :geocode
geocoded_by :address
This stop model belongs to a trip. I use the acts as list to give the stop a position.
class Trip < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
has_many :stops, -> { order(position: :asc) }
I want to use the position of the distance between two stops.
I know I can access the trip through the stop by using stop.trip so I want to use the stop.trip to access the stop with the next stop.position
So stop one would calculate the distance to the next stop using the Geocoder:: Calculations.distance_between like so
Geocoder::Calculations.distance_between([ stop.latitude, stop.longitude], [ stop.trip.stops.where(position: 2).latitude, stop.trip.stops.where(position: 2).longitude])
Unfortunately, when I do this I get
undefined method `latitude' for #Stop::ActiveRecord_AssociationRelation:0x00007fbab4e15cf0
So my question is how do I access the latitude of the current trips stop with position of 2
You can access the next item in the list with:
next_stop = stop.lower_item
[stop.latitude, stop.longitude],
[next_stop.latitude, next_stop.longitude]