I have a Slick query with join having a filter on an enumeration field, for which I get the below compilation error:
[error] /Users/someuser/SomeApp/app/com/somePackage/SomeDAO.scala:190:84: value === is not a member of slick.lifted.Rep[com.somePackage.models.MyCustomEnum.MyCustomEnum]
[error] myCustomEnumTbl.userId === userTbl.id && myCustomEnumTbl.selectionType === MyCustomEnum.FOOD
[error] ^
Code snippet:
var userQuery = for {
(user, selection) <- Users.filter(_.id === userId).join(selectionTableDAO.getTable).on {
(myCustomEnumTbl,userTbl) => myCustomEnumTbl.userId === userTbl.id && myCustomEnumTbl.selectionType === MyCustomEnum.FOOD
} yield (user, selection)
val userRes = db.run(userQuery.result)
What would be the right way to filter on an enum field?
I was able to resolve this issue by defining an implicit mapping for the enumeration field:
implicit val CustomSelectionTypeEnumsTypesMapper = MappedColumnType.base[MyCustomEnum, String](
e => e.toString,
s => MyCustomEnum.withName(s)