When you view the properties for a binary file that contains a VERSIONINFO resource, Windows adds a "Version" tab, which displays that information.
Is there a list of which .NET assembly attributes map to which VERSIONINFO fields, so we can control these easily for our .NET assemblies?
Concerning the "fixed Info":
PRODUCTVERSION and FILEVERSION are set from [AssemblyInformationalVersion]
and [AssemblyFileVersion]
FILEOS, FILETYPE are most likely set by the compiler.
Concerning the Var File Info
maps to "Translation" (I guess!)
Concerning the String File Info
maps to "CompanyName"
maps to "Comments"
maps to "FileVersion"
maps to "FileDescription"
maps to "ProductVersion"
maps to "ProductName"
maps to "LegalCopyright"
I think "InternalName" and "OriginalFile" are set to the name of the DLL or EXE, respectively.