
Can you verify a property setter using mockk?

We had a few tests in Java and Mockito, which we are progressively converting into Kotlin and Mockk. There's a problem, though. This simple line:


When we move it to mockk, we get this:

verify { mockedInteractor.index = 1 }

This of course passes the tests, as it's not actually checking that index was set to 1. It's simply setting the mock's variable to 1. This below has the same effect.

verify { mockedInteractor.setIndex(1) }

Is there a way to verify setters?


  • You could try capture:

    val fooSlot = slot<String>()
    val mockBar = mockk<Bar>()
    every { mockBar.foo = capture(fooSlot) } answers { }
    assertEquals(fooSlot.captured, "expected")