Im trying to use this NPM package:
I've installed it by using:
yarn add @livechat/chat-sdk
I've also included the types by doing:
yarn add @types/@livechat/chat-sdk
I'm importing it to my project by doing:
import LiveChat from '@livechat/chat-sdk';
but when I try to use it in my project I don't get any intelesence from VS Code. Why?
Unfortunately LiveChat SDK does not provide any definition file (.d.ts) and/or JSDoc in the source file so Intellisense cannot "guess" the correct type.
You can try adding custom type definitions by hand, see this article.
PS: The development dependency @types/@livechat/chat-sdk is not a valid package name and so does not exists :(
PS.PS: I suggest you to write the .d.ts file since is good for learning and create a pull request or contact a collaborator for merging the changes.