I recently deep dived into JMS Serializer and although I like it how the package makes a lot of things convenient for the developer in serialisation/deserialisation but there is a major lack of documentation around available options in the package.
I am trying to resolve a virtual property using expressions and I am getting following error.
The property expression_prop on MyPackageName\\SubPackage\\ClassZ requires the expression accessor strategy to be enabled.
Note: the class path has been changed to dummy path.
Here's the YAML config part for the property I am trying to create
exp: object.isUnCategorized()
serialized_name: is_categorized
groups: [tr_view]
type: boolean
And here's the YAML config part of JMS serializer in app/config.yaml
auto_detection: true
namespace_prefix: "DummyBundleName\\SubPAth\\Application\\DTO"
path: "%kernel.root_dir%/../src/path-to-config-directory"
Note the absolute path has again been replaced due to sensitivity of it.
It's necessary to install ExpressionLanguage Component
Command for symfony 3.4:
composer require symfony/expression-language:^3.4