
python mysqlx.Result.get_autoincrement_value() doesn't work

I'm trying to use the document storage of MySQL 8 in my python project(python 3.8). The version of MySQL-connector python is 8.0.20. According to the API reference and the X DevAPI User Guide, I tried to get the auto increment document ID after adding a document into the DB. Each time after the execution, the data would be inserted into DB successfully, but '-1' would be returned after get_autoincrement_value() was invoked.

My code is just like below:

        schema = session.get_schema('my_schema')
        collection = schema.get_collection('my_collection')
        topic_dict = protobuf_to_dict(topic)
        doc_id = collection.add(topic_dict).execute().get_autoincrement_value()
        logger.debug('doc_id: {}', doc_id)
        return doc_id
    except Exception as e:
        logger.exception("failed to add topic to db, topic: {}, err: {}", topic, e)

Is there anything wrong with my usage? Thank you all~


  • Seems like you are interested in the document id that has been auto-generated. If that is the case, you should instead use get_generated_ids:

    doc_id = collection.add(topic_dict).execute().get_generated_ids()[0]

    In this case, the method returns a list of all the ids that were generated in the scope of the add() operation.

    The documentation is probably not clear enough, but get_auto_increment_value() only contains useful data if you are inserting a row with either session.sql() or table.insert() on a table containing an AUTO_INCREMENT column. It has no meaning in the scope of NoSQL collections because in the end a collection is just a table created like (condensed version):

    CREATE TABLE collection (
      `doc` json DEFAULT NULL,
      `_id` varbinary(32),
      PRIMARY KEY (`_id`)

    Which means there isn't anything to "auto increment".

    Disclaimer: I'm the lead developer of the MySQL X DevAPI Connector for Node.js