I need to render a sorted map by a user-defined type. SortedMap[X, Seq[Y]]
Json library should render the map as ordered by the X.name
case class X(order: Int, name: String) extends Ordered[X]
Assume I have X(1, "James"), X(2, "Mel"), X(3, "Ashley"). The output map should be
"James" : Seq(Y)
"Mel" : Seq(Y)
"Ashley": Seq(Y)
The inMap is correctly sorted (as viewed by the debugger), but after the rendering, the sorting order(X.order) is lost. Probably due to the toSeq. Any ideas?
implicit val myWrites = new Writes[SortedMap[X, Seq[Y]]] {
def writes(inMap: SortedMap[X, Seq[Y]]): JsValue =
Json.obj(inMap.map {case (s, o) =>
val r: (String, JsValueWrapper) = s.name() -> Json.toJson(o)
implicit val myWrites: Writes[SortedMap[X, Seq[Y]]] = new Writes[SortedMap[X, Seq[Y]]] {
def writes(inMap: SortedMap[X, Seq[Y]]): JsValue =
Json.obj(inMap.toSeq.map { case (s, o) =>
s.name() -> Json.toJson(o)