How to combine two cells using MigLayout
I have two cells, as shown in the following code. I want to combine them, what do I have to do?
JPanel jPanelAccOil = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "0[]0", "0[]0"));
jPanelAccOil.add(new JPanelInAI(null, "",
this.add(jPanelAccOil, "cell 2 3");
JPanel jPanelAccPneumatic = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "0[]0", "0[]0"));
jPanelAccPneumatic.add(new JPanelInAI(null, "",
this.add(jPanelAccPneumatic, "cell 3 3, wrap");
You can use to span cells:
span 2
try this:
JPanel jPanelAccPneumatic = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "0[]0", "0[]0"));
jPanelAccPneumatic.add(new JPanelInAI(null, "",
this.add(jPanelAccPneumatic, "cell 3 3, span 2, wrap");