
SQL - Parse a field and SUM numbers at regular delimiter intervals

I request your help for an issue beyond my current skills...

I'm using Google Big Query to store analytics data about my website, and to calculate the revenue I have a quite difficult query to build.

We have the field %product% which is formatted as following :


If more than one product has been bought, the different products data will be delimited by ",", which can give this :


The only way to calculate the revenue is to sum all the different %productRevenue% from a line and store this into a column.

I have no idea how to do it just with a SQL query... Maybe with RegEx ? Any idea ? I'd like to create a view with that info to easily pull the data into PowerBI then. But maybe I should process that with M directly in PBI ?

Thanks a lot,



  • Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL

      SPLIT(i, ';')[OFFSET(1)] productID,
      SUM(CAST(SPLIT(i, ';')[OFFSET(2)] AS INT64)) productQuantity,
      SUM(CAST(SPLIT(i, ';')[OFFSET(3)] AS FLOAT64)) productRevenue
    FROM `project.dataset.table`,
    UNNEST(SPLIT(product)) i
    GROUP BY productID   

    if to apply to sample data from your question - output is

    Row productID   productQuantity productRevenue   
    1   12345678    3               69.97    
    2   45678912    3               114.97   
    3   14521452    3               194.97