
Trouble saving repeated protobuf object to file (Python)

I'm new to protobuf, so I don't know how to frame the question correctly.

Anyways, I'm using this Model Config proto file. I converted it into python using this command protoc -I=. --python_out=. ./model_server_config.proto from Protocol Buffer page. Now I have some python files which I can import and work on. My objective is to create a file (for running the TensorFlow model server with multiple models) which should look like the following:

model_config_list: {
 config: {
    name: "name1",
    base_path: "path1",
    model_platform: "tensorflow"
  config: {
    name: "name2",
    base_path: "path2",
    model_platform: "tensorflow"
  config: {
    name: "name3",
    base_path: "path3",
    model_platform: "tensorflow"

Now using the python package compiled, I made a protobuf object which looks like this when I print it out:

model_config_list {
  config {
    name: "name1"
    base_path: "path1"
    model_platform: "tensorflow"
  config {
    name: "name2"
    base_path: "path2"
    model_platform: "tensorflow"
  config {
    name: "name3"
    base_path: "path3"
    model_platform: "tensorflow"

But while serializing the object using objectname.SerializeToString(), I get a weird output as :

b'\n\x94\x01\n \n\x04name1\x12\x0cpath1"\ntensorflow\n7\n\x08name2\x12\x1fpath2"\ntensorflow\n7\n\x08name3\x12\x1fpath3"\ntensorflow'

I tried converting it into Json also using the protobuf for python like this:

from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson

which gave me a result like:

  "modelConfigList": {
    "config": [
        "name": "name1",
        "basePath": "path1",
        "modelPlatform": "tensorflow"
        "name": "name2",
        "basePath": "path2",
        "modelPlatform": "tensorflow"
        "name": "name3",
        "basePath": "path3",
        "modelPlatform": "tensorflow"

with all the objects in a list and each objects as string, which is not acceptable for TensorFlow model server config.

Any ideas on how to write it into a file correctly? Or am I creating the whole objects incorrectly? Any help is welcome, Thanks in advance.


  • I don't know anything about what system will be reading your file, so I can't say anything about how you should write it to a file. It really depends on how the Model Server expects to read it.

    That said, I don't see anything wrong with how you're creating the message, or any of the serialization methods you've shown.

    Appendix: instead of using print(), the google.protobuf.text_format module has utilities better suited to using the text format programmatically. To write to a file, you could use:

    from google.protobuf import text_format
    with open(file_path, 'w') as output:
      text_format.PrintMessage(my_message, output)