
Why does erasure still allow overriding/implementation?

At first glance I thought the following makes sense:

interface Test<T> {
    T getValue(T n);

class Impl implements Test<Integer>{
    public Integer getValue(Integer n){
        return n;

And it compiles properly so everything seems A-OK.

But then I thought about it some more, in the context of erasure, and it seems to me that the Test interface gets erased to this:

interface Test {
    Object getValue(Object n);

So how is Impl still able to implement Test?


  • javac actually creates bridge methods for this:

    class Impl implements Test<Integer>{
        @Override public Integer getValue(Integer n){
            return n;

    compiles to

    class Impl implements Test {
        public Integer getValue(Integer n) { // overrides nothing!
            return n;
        @Override @Synthetic @Bridge public Object getValue(Object n) { 
            return this.getValue((Integer)n);

    Note: Synthetic and Bridge are not real annotations, but the compiled class files do tag these methods as "synthetic" and "bridge".

    By using these bridge methods, Java ensures that if you have an Impl, you can call Impl#getValue(Integer)Integer (if you know that it actually has type Impl), or you can call the "generic" Test#getValue(Object)Object, if you only know that it's a Test<?>.