
How to String matchAll in Reason?

I'm trying to replicate what I would do in javascript with matchAll()

  const names = [
    ...withoutSlashes.matchAll(/(?<=Pos\. \d+ \- )(.*?)(?=","Importe)/g),

I see Reason has Js.String.match but I can't find the matchAll. I guess it's because matchAll is a newer ecmascript.

Any hint on which would be a good way to do a performant matchAll? or is there a specific Reason feature that I'm missing?


  • You can bind to it yourself. The biggest problem with it is that it returns an iterator, which we also don't have bindings for. But we can use Js.Array.array_like('a) and then convert it to an array using Js.Array.from:

    [@bs.send.pipe: string]
    external matchAll: Js.Re.t => Js.Array.array_like(array(string)) = "matchAll";
    let matches = "abc" |> matchAll([%re "/[a-c]/g"]) |> Js.Array.from;