I'm trying to replicate what I would do in javascript with matchAll()
const names = [
...withoutSlashes.matchAll(/(?<=Pos\. \d+ \- )(.*?)(?=","Importe)/g),
I see Reason has Js.String.match
but I can't find the matchAll. I guess it's because matchAll is a newer ecmascript.
Any hint on which would be a good way to do a performant matchAll? or is there a specific Reason feature that I'm missing?
You can bind to it yourself. The biggest problem with it is that it returns an iterator, which we also don't have bindings for. But we can use Js.Array.array_like('a)
and then convert it to an array using Js.Array.from
[@bs.send.pipe: string]
external matchAll: Js.Re.t => Js.Array.array_like(array(string)) = "matchAll";
let matches = "abc" |> matchAll([%re "/[a-c]/g"]) |> Js.Array.from;