
inputAccessoryView with custom view hide After I Dismiss keyboard

First of all , my project is so structured:

-home page with a tableView to add element

-floating Button: when clicked make appear keyboard with above a custom view (and inside a textView) to digit input

Now, I have a problem with inputAccessoryView and dismiss keyboard:

I have used inputAccessoryView to move a custom view above the keyboard like this:

MytextView.inputAccessoryView= MyContainerView; 

And this work correctly.

My problem occur when I dismiss keyboard using:

[MytextView resignFirstResponder];

The keyboard and relative inputView disappear properly but After when I try again to make MytextView the firstResponder does not work (the keyboard not appear).

I hypothesize that occurs because textView is hide with inputAccessoryView under the screen and inputAccessoryView change The inizial position of textview (Initial in the Middle of the screen); so textView is not focusable and keyboard not appear when I use:

[MyTextView becomeFirstResponder]

Is there a way to reposition programmatically the textView to initial position (middle of the screen) so can become focusable when I call becomeFirstResponder?

Or is there a way to fix inputAccessoryView in the safe area when i dismiss keyboard?

(Sorry , I’m New to objective-c and IOS)



  • Let me jump out of the comments to have more freedom. Based on your description you could do something like this

    - (void) viewDidLoad
        [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserver:self
                               selector:@selector( keyboardDidHide: )
    - ( void ) keyboardDidHide:( NSNotification * ) notification
    ... do stuff here...

    Then you can reposition or do whatever you need in there. Alternatively, you can also listen for UIKeyboardDidShowNotification and do preparatory stuff there. In fact, there is a whole family of UIKeyboard... notifications that you could use this way and I hope it helps.


    Here is something else, if you ever need to reposition based on the keyboard size.

    - ( void ) keyboardDidShow:(NSNotification *)notification
        NSDictionary * info = notification.userInfo;
        CGRect kbRect = [[info objectForKey:UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] CGRectValue];
    ... do stuff with kbRect ...