
How to specify where homerserver.yaml should be saved when running initial generate on synapse docker?

I am trying to get a Matrix Synapse server running on my Synology NAS through docker.

When I run the generate command to get the intial homeserver.yaml, it does get generated :

$ sudo docker run -it --rm --mount type=volume,src=synapse-config,dst=/data -e -e SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS=yes matrixdotorg/synapse:latest generate

Creating log config /data/
Generating config file /data/homeserver.yaml
Generating signing key file /data/
A config file has been generated in '/data/homeserver.yaml' for server name ''. Please review this file and customise it to your needs.

So the file is generated in /volume1/@docker/volumes/synapse-config/_data but I don't know how to actually access this folder.

How can I specify within the docker generate command where I would like the /data data to reside ? I have created a folder (/volume1/synapse/data) to that effect but I don't know how to make sure the output of the docker generate actually goes there.


  • With your --mount you sepcify what should be mapped to /data within the container.

    Use e.g. -v /volume1/synapse/data:/data instead to map it to some directory on the host filesystem.