
Displaying web page with PyQt5 WebEngine

I encountered some problems with the use of the library QtWebEngineWidgets. The main idea is to display PDF in a QWebEngineView, so I want firstly to display simply a web page like

I tested a lot of code from different websites and forums but I have always the same problem, the PyQt page show nothing.

I would like to get your attention to a code from codeloop (

import sys
from PyQt5.Qt import *
from PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

web = QWebEngineView()



( I chose this because it's a simple code and illustrate perfectly the problem that I encounter all the time )

Code and page

I remain open to all your answers and comments.

{EDIT} I have : PyQt5 5.15.0 PyQt5-sip 12.8.0 PyQtWebEngine 5.15.0

enter image description here

(Dialog box: The application failed to start correctly)


  • Thanks to @eyllanesc, in fact the problem is with permissions. By creating a virtual environment according to the python documentation (, my program work perfectly.