
Delphi - How to change t chart series's colourpalette?

I have an TAreaGraph with

(series[0] as tareaseries).coloreachpoint := true;
with chart1 do
    series[0].addXY( {the x-value} , {the y-value}, {name} , clTeeColor);

So now, the bars, or points, are all different colours, but i hate the colour palette. I saw in the object inspector, there is an option when adding a new series and selecting the type, to change the colour palette to Mac Os.

I have tried everything to do this at runtime, because I am adding the series dynamically, to no avail. Any help would greatly be appreciated!

Regards, Romans.


  • Putting a chart on a form and changing the palette to iOS then viewing the form as text gives:

      object Chart1: TChart
        Left = 176
        Top = 136
        Width = 400
        Height = 250
        Title.Text.Strings = (
        TabOrder = 0
        DefaultCanvas = 'TGDIPlusCanvas'
        ColorPaletteIndex = 18

    So the property is ColorPaletteIndex and for the iOS color palette you would use 18. There might be an enumeration with nice values somewhere but the number will work fine.

      chart1.ColorPaletteIndex := 18;