I have a route in my Symfony project that should be restricted only to hosts that contains a specific word in a subdomain, a domain is not important and it will vary. Lets say this specific word is 'pre', so I want only hosts build like this (pre.anything.com, pre.anything2.co.uk, pre.anything3.us) to access certain route. Is it possible to configure it as such in a symfony routing?
path: /register/
host: "/pre/"
defaults: { _controller: App\Controller\AppController::registerAction }
Your use case is similar to the docs for subdomains : https://symfony.com/doc/4.1/routing/hostname_pattern.html#using-placeholders
You can use this config:
path: /register/
host: "pre.{domain}"
controller: App\Controller\AppController::register
domain: '%domain%'
domain: '%domain%'
and then in your parameters.yml you define your domain
param where you set your default domain.
In your domain requirement you can set (.*)
to catch both domain and subdomain.