When I have arrays in response, getting proper results using Jayway, but not with io.restassured ? Can I use Jayway and io.restassured together ? Is that an acceptable / good practice?
JSON Response :
{"applications": [
"Id": "123",
"amount": "1500"
"Id": "456",
"amount": "2500"
"Id": "780",
"amount": "3500"
Looking for amount 2500 as my result!
Tried below:
//1st approach to read response form json body
JsonPath jsonPath = res.jsonPath(); System.out.println(jsonPath.get("$.applications[1].amount"));
//results null, using io.restassured JsonPath
//2nd approach to read response form json body
JsonPath jsonPath1 = JsonPath.from(res.asString()); System.out.println(jsonPath1.getString("$.applications[1].amount"));
//results null, using io.restassured JsonPath
//3rd approach to read response form json body
// results 2500, using jaywayJsonPath
There are multiple ways of extracting the values
// Method 1
String res = given().when().get("http://soapractice1.mocklab.io/thing/test").then().extract().asString();
JsonPath js = new JsonPath(res);
System.out.println("The amount is : " + js.get("applications[1].amount"));
// Method 2
Response resp = given().when().get("http://soapractice1.mocklab.io/thing/test").then().extract().response();
JsonPath js1 = resp.jsonPath();
System.out.println("The amount is : " + js.get("applications[1].amount"));
// Method 3
String amount = given().when().get("http://soapractice1.mocklab.io/thing/test").then().extract().jsonPath().get("applications[1].amount");
System.out.println("The amount is : " + amount);