
Bug in Entity Framework Core 3.1 when grouping using a key with a division?

I'm trying to group a set of data using linq and entity framework 3.1. This is the query I'm trying to accomplish:

var query = dbset
                    i => i.VehicleId,
                    v => v.Id,
                    (i, v) => new{i, v})
                .Where(o=>o.v.EnterpriseId == enterpriseId && o.i.ReportDate>=startDate && o.i.ReportDate<=endDate);

dateDataQuery = query.GroupBy(o =>
                        Week=(int)(o.i.ReportDate.DayOfYear / 7),
                    .OrderBy(o=> o.Key.Year).ThenBy(o=>o.Key.Week)
                    .Select(g => new TransferDateData()
                        Week = g.Key.Week,
                        Year = g.Key.Year,
                        Value = g.Sum(o=>o.i.Cost),

As you can see I am grouping by Week and Year. The problem is that DateTime doesn't have a Week property to get the week of the year that could be translatable to a database procedure. As we can do with .Month or .Day. So, the week must be calculated.

This query outputs different results with same Week and Year. For example I can have several results like:

{ Week = 20, Year=2020, Value = 20}, {Week=20, Year=2020, Value=30} ...

As you can see they should have been grouped but they don't. If I use a hardcoded number for the week in the grouping, the gropuing works and all values are aggregated and only a result returned.

So, I guess there is a problem with the division and the float result although Week is a int.

Here are the two models I'm using and their properties:

public class GenericDateData<T>
    public T Value { get; set; }
    public int Month { get; set; }
    public int Year { get; set; }
    public int Day { get; set; }
    public int Week { get; set; }

public class TransferDateData : GenericDateData<float>
    public float TotalKm { get; set; }

Could you guess what is happening? Seems a bug to me.


  • Your query does work. As mentioned by @PanagiotisKanavos in the comments, it is inaccurate, but it does translate into valid SQL:

    using System;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Linq;
    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
    namespace IssueConsoleTemplate
        public class Incident
            public int Id { get; set; }
            public int VehicleId { get; set; }
            public DateTime ReportDate { get; set; }
            public float Cost { get; set; }
        public class Vehicle
            public int Id { get; set; }
            public int EnterpriseId { get; set; }
        public class Enterprise
            public int Id { get; set; }
        public class GenericDateData<T>
            public T Value { get; set; }
            public int Month { get; set; }
            public int Year { get; set; }
            public int Day { get; set; }
            public int Week { get; set; }
        public class TransferDateData : GenericDateData<float>
            public float TotalKm { get; set; }
        public class Context : DbContext
            public DbSet<Incident> Incidents { get; set; }
            public DbSet<Vehicle> Vehicles { get; set; }
            public DbSet<Enterprise> Enterprises { get; set; }
            protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
                        @"Data Source=.\MSSQL14;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=So63118907")
                            b => b
                                .AddFilter(level => level >= LogLevel.Information)))
            protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
                    new Incident {Id = 1, VehicleId = 1, ReportDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1), Cost = 42.00f},
                    new Incident {Id = 2, VehicleId = 2, ReportDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 1), Cost = 21.00f});
                    new Vehicle {Id = 1, EnterpriseId = 1},
                    new Vehicle {Id = 2, EnterpriseId = 1});
                    new Enterprise {Id = 1});
        internal static class Program
            private static void Main()
                using var context = new Context();
                var enterpriseId = 1;
                var startDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1);
                var endDate = new DateTime(2021, 12, 31);
                var costPerWeek = context.Incidents
                        i => i.VehicleId,
                        v => v.Id,
                        (i, v) => new {i, v})
                        o => o.v.EnterpriseId == enterpriseId &&
                             o.i.ReportDate >= startDate &&
                             o.i.ReportDate <= endDate)
                        o =>
                                Week = (int) (o.i.ReportDate.DayOfYear / 7),
                    .OrderBy(o => o.Key.Year)
                    .ThenBy(o => o.Key.Week)
                        g => new TransferDateData()
                            Week = g.Key.Week,
                            Year = g.Key.Year,
                            Value = g.Sum(o => o.i.Cost),
                Debug.Assert(costPerWeek.Count == 2);
                Debug.Assert(costPerWeek[0].Week == 0);
                Debug.Assert(costPerWeek[0].Value == 42.00f);
                Debug.Assert(costPerWeek[1].Week == 4);
                Debug.Assert(costPerWeek[1].Value == 21.00f);

    The query gets translated to the following SQL:

    SELECT DATEPART(dayofyear, [i].[ReportDate]) / 7 AS [Week], DATEPART(year, [i].[ReportDate]) AS [Year], CAST(SUM([i].[Cost]) AS real) AS [Value]
    FROM [Incidents] AS [i]
    INNER JOIN [Vehicles] AS [v] ON [i].[VehicleId] = [v].[Id]
    WHERE (([v].[EnterpriseId] = @__enterpriseId_0) AND ([i].[ReportDate] >= @__startDate_1)) AND ([i].[ReportDate] <= @__endDate_2)
    GROUP BY DATEPART(dayofyear, [i].[ReportDate]) / 7, DATEPART(year, [i].[ReportDate])
    ORDER BY DATEPART(year, [i].[ReportDate]), DATEPART(dayofyear, [i].[ReportDate]) / 7

    It currently starts counting the weeks from 0 though, and despite that, the date can be off (depending on how the calendar week is calculated in the culture this app is being used) by a couple of days.

    A simpler and more accurate solution might be to use the DATEPART(week, @date) T-SQL function. Unfortunately, there is currently no .NET Core method that gets translated to this SQL function.

    You can however define a UDF (user defined function) that redirects the call to DATEPART.

    The following example does not only define a UDF and uses it, but also shows how to use navigation properties instead of explicit joins:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Linq;
    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
    namespace IssueConsoleTemplate
        public class Incident
            public int Id { get; set; }
            public int VehicleId { get; set; }
            public DateTime ReportDate { get; set; }
            public float Cost { get; set; }
            public Vehicle Vehicle { get; set; }
            public Enterprise Enterprise { get; set; }
        public class Vehicle
            public int Id { get; set; }
            public int EnterpriseId { get; set; }
            public virtual ICollection<Incident> Incidents { get; set; } = new HashSet<Incident>();
        public class Enterprise
            public int Id { get; set; }
        public class GenericDateData<T>
            public T Value { get; set; }
            public int Month { get; set; }
            public int Year { get; set; }
            public int Day { get; set; }
            public int Week { get; set; }
        public class TransferDateData : GenericDateData<float>
            public float TotalKm { get; set; }
        public class Context : DbContext
            public DbSet<Incident> Incidents { get; set; }
            public DbSet<Vehicle> Vehicles { get; set; }
            public DbSet<Enterprise> Enterprises { get; set; }
            // Define your UDF:
            public static int GetCalendarWeek(DateTime date)
                => throw new InvalidOperationException("Should never be called but only translated to SQL.");
            protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
                        @"Data Source=.\MSSQL14;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=So63118907_01")
                            b => b
                                .AddFilter(level => level >= LogLevel.Information)))
            protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
                    new Incident {Id = 1, VehicleId = 1, ReportDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1), Cost = 42.00f},
                    new Incident {Id = 2, VehicleId = 2, ReportDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 1), Cost = 21.00f});
                    new Vehicle {Id = 1, EnterpriseId = 1},
                    new Vehicle {Id = 2, EnterpriseId = 1});
                    new Enterprise {Id = 1});
        internal static class Program
            private static void Main()
                using var context = new Context();
                // Since this example recreates the database on each run,
                // lets create our UDF here as well:
    CREATE FUNCTION [GetCalendarWeek] (@date DATETIME)
        RETURN DATEPART(week, @date);
                var enterpriseId = 1;
                var startDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1);
                var endDate = new DateTime(2021, 12, 31);
                var costPerWeek = context.Incidents
                    .Include(i => i.Vehicle)
                    .Include(i => i.Enterprise)
                        i => i.Vehicle.EnterpriseId == enterpriseId &&
                             i.ReportDate >= startDate &&
                             i.ReportDate <= endDate)
                        i =>
                                // Let's call our UDF here:
                                Week = Context.GetCalendarWeek(i.ReportDate),
                    .OrderBy(o => o.Key.Year)
                    .ThenBy(o => o.Key.Week)
                        g => new TransferDateData()
                            Week = g.Key.Week,
                            Year = g.Key.Year,
                            Value = g.Sum(i => i.Cost),
                Debug.Assert(costPerWeek.Count == 2);
                Debug.Assert(costPerWeek[0].Week == 1);
                Debug.Assert(costPerWeek[0].Value == 42.00f);
                Debug.Assert(costPerWeek[1].Week == 5);
                Debug.Assert(costPerWeek[1].Value == 21.00f);

    The week numbers are correct (depending on your culture) now.

    The generated SQL is petty simple now:

    CREATE FUNCTION [GetCalendarWeek] (@date DATETIME)
      RETURN DATEPART(week, @date);
    SELECT [dbo].[GetCalendarWeek]([i].[ReportDate]) AS [Week], DATEPART(year, [i].[ReportDate]) AS [Year], CAST(SUM([i].[Cost]) AS real) AS [Value]
    FROM [Incidents] AS [i]
    INNER JOIN [Vehicles] AS [v] ON [i].[VehicleId] = [v].[Id]