I am trying to make a CHIP-8 emulator that generates most of the instructions at compile time.
So i have a constexpr array like this:
constexpr uint16_t hardCodedROM[] = {
0x8001, 0x8002, 0x8003, 0xA0F0, 0xB0FE
And I have a specialization for each item of the array like this:
template<uint16_t instruction> struct Opcode
static inline void Task(uint16_t code)
printf("Unknown Opcode \n");
template<> struct Opcode<0x8000>
static inline auto Task(uint16_t code)
static constexpr unsigned char submask = code & 0x000F; //error here, code can not use as a constant
if constexpr (submask == 0x0001)
printf("Opcode 0x8xx1 \n");
if constexpr (submask == 0x0002)
printf("Opcode 0x8xx2 \n");
if constexpr (submask == 0x0003)
printf("Opcode 0x8xx2 \n");
if constexpr (submask == 0x0000)
printf("Opcode 0x8xx0 \n");
template<> struct Opcode<0xA000>
static inline auto Task(uint16_t code)
printf("Opcode 0xAxxx \n");
template<> struct Opcode<0xB000>
static inline auto Task(uint16_t code)
printf("Opcode 0xBxxx \n");
And i iterate over each of the elements and invoke specialization in this way:
[&] <std::size_t...p>(std::index_sequence<p...>)
(Opcode<(hardCodedROM[p] & 0xF000)>::Task(hardCodedROM[p]), ...); //How should i pass the element, to be able to evaluate depending on each submask?
How should i pass the element (hardCodedROM[p]), to be able to evaluate depending on each submask within a certain specialization?
If code
is always known at compile time, make it a template parameter:
template<std::uint16_t code>
static void Task() {
constexpr unsigned char submask = code & 0x000F;
// ...
and then don't forget the template
[&]<std::size_t...p>(std::index_sequence<p...>) {
(Opcode<(hardCodedROM[p] & 0xF000)>::template Task<hardCodedROM[p]>(), ...);
You can also wrap code
into a type similar to Opcode
and pass it as a function parameter to avoid pretty ugly template
keyword. For example:
template<std::uint16_t> struct Instruction {};
// ...
template<std::uint16_t code>
static void Task(Instruction<code>) {
constexpr unsigned char submask = code & 0x000F;
// ...
// ...
[&]<std::size_t...p>(std::index_sequence<p...>) {
(Opcode<(hardCodedROM[p] & 0xF000)>::Task(Instruction<hardCodedROM[p]>{}), ...);