
Cannot come out from the play store internal beta testing

Check out this image

We have uploaded an update of our existing app (WASFAT) as internal testing build. We can access it successfully.

Now I want to leave from the internal testing and want to access the live build.

There is not leave button the playstore wasfat page. Please have a look at the attached image.

When we have released beta version, we had that leave button. But in the internal release, we don't have it.

How can I get out from this internal testing mode? How can I access the original live build? Also I don't want to remove my id from play console internal testing.

Thanks for any suggestions


  • As far as I know, you can opt-out of internal testing with the same link you used to enter in the internal testing program. Also, you need to remove your email from internal tester. However, It will take some time to be able to access live mode again