I want to have a map with duplicate keys. Is there such a map in Dart or a utility library that has this functionality?
I'm using the following get a count of items:
(element) {
if (!myMap.containsKey(element)) {
myMap[element] = 1;
} else {
myMap[element] += 1;
then convert keys/values to lists: Need to switch key/values...
final keys = myMap.keys.toList();
final itemSpit = keys.map((e) => e.toString().split('§º')).toList();
final values = myMap.values.toList();
put it in a map
final map = Map();
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
map[values[i]] = itemSpit[i];
Obviously the keys are overridden in the for loop.
then iterate over map (Put keys/values in flutter widgets)
final cells = map.entries
.map((e) => ........
THe first method increases the value count if there's a duplicate value. So I have this. ... {breadwhitelarge: 3, cornyellowsmall:5 ..etc..}
I then have to split the strings and have output like this
5 bread white large
3 corn yellow small
Instead of defining a map which allows duplicated keys you can instead create a Map<K,List<V>>
like this example:
void main() {
final map = <String, List<int>>{};
addValueToMap(map, 'Test 1', 1);
addValueToMap(map, 'Test 1', 2);
addValueToMap(map, 'Test 2', 3);
addValueToMap(map, 'Test 1', 4);
addValueToMap(map, 'Test 2', 5);
addValueToMap(map, 'Test 3', 6);
print(map); // {Test 1: [1, 2, 4], Test 2: [3, 5], Test 3: [6]}
void addValueToMap<K, V>(Map<K, List<V>> map, K key, V value) =>
map.update(key, (list) => list..add(value), ifAbsent: () => [value]);
You can then ask for a given key and get a list of all values connected to this key.