I have a function checks if an expression matches a regex, and returns a boost::regex_constants::error_type, it logs the error in case of exception:
boost::regex_constants::error_type RegexMatch(const std::string& p_expression, const std::string& p_pattern)
boost::regex_constants::error_type returnValue = boost::regex_constants::error_unknown;
if (boost::regex_match(p_expression, boost::regex(p_pattern)))
returnValue = boost::regex_constants::error_ok;
returnValue = boost::regex_constants::error_no_match;
catch(boost::regex_error& e)
returnValue = e.code();
LOG_ERROR("Error checking if [%s] expression matches pattern [%s]: boost::regex_error [%s]",
return returnValue;
But in client side, caller gets only boost::regex_constants::error_type
as result, while, depending on the context, client may want to display a "human readable" error.
Now my question is to know if there is a native boost function to do that ? Because I couldn't find one, I then have done my own function:
std::string BoostRegexErrorTypeToString(const boost::regex_constants::error_type p_boostRegexErrorType)
return boost::regex_error(p_boostRegexErrorType).what();
Note that I return a std::string
instead of directly a const char*
(return by what()
) because when returning a const char*
, for some error types, for example error_ok
, "et*)" is returned instead of "Success".
And finally, to test this code you can use following loop:
for (int intErrorType = boost::regex_constants::error_ok; // error_ok is the first
intErrorType <= boost::regex_constants::error_unknown; // error_unknown is the last
const boost::regex_constants::error_type errorType = (boost::regex_constants::error_type)intErrorType;
LOG_DEBUG("Regex error [%d] text is [%s]",
First off, the reason that
because when returning a const char*, for some error types, for example error_ok, "et*)" is returned instead of "Success".
was happening was because you were returning a stale pointer (what()
points to member data inside a runtime_error
instance, and it would be destructed after returning from your function!).
The function boost uses to get the error string is not public:
regex_error::regex_error(regex_constants::error_type err)
: std::runtime_error(::boost::BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::get_default_error_string(err))
, m_error_code(err)
, m_position(0)
You can see that ::boost::BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::get_default_error_string(err)
is in a detail namespace.
If you want, you can read the source anyways:
BOOST_REGEX_DECL const char* BOOST_REGEX_CALL get_default_error_string(regex_constants::error_type n)
static const char* const s_default_error_messages[] = {
"Success", /* REG_NOERROR 0 error_ok */
"No match", /* REG_NOMATCH 1 error_no_match */
"Invalid regular expression.", /* REG_BADPAT 2 error_bad_pattern */
"Invalid collation character.", /* REG_ECOLLATE 3 error_collate */
"Invalid character class name, collating name, or character range.", /* REG_ECTYPE 4 error_ctype */
"Invalid or unterminated escape sequence.", /* REG_EESCAPE 5 error_escape */
"Invalid back reference: specified capturing group does not exist.", /* REG_ESUBREG 6 error_backref */
"Unmatched [ or [^ in character class declaration.", /* REG_EBRACK 7 error_brack */
"Unmatched marking parenthesis ( or \\(.", /* REG_EPAREN 8 error_paren */
"Unmatched quantified repeat operator { or \\{.", /* REG_EBRACE 9 error_brace */
"Invalid content of repeat range.", /* REG_BADBR 10 error_badbrace */
"Invalid range end in character class", /* REG_ERANGE 11 error_range */
"Out of memory.", /* REG_ESPACE 12 error_space NOT USED */
"Invalid preceding regular expression prior to repetition operator.", /* REG_BADRPT 13 error_badrepeat */
"Premature end of regular expression", /* REG_EEND 14 error_end NOT USED */
"Regular expression is too large.", /* REG_ESIZE 15 error_size NOT USED */
"Unmatched ) or \\)", /* REG_ERPAREN 16 error_right_paren NOT USED */
"Empty regular expression.", /* REG_EMPTY 17 error_empty */
"The complexity of matching the regular expression exceeded predefined bounds. "
"Try refactoring the regular expression to make each choice made by the state machine unambiguous. "
"This exception is thrown to prevent \"eternal\" matches that take an "
"indefinite period time to locate.", /* REG_ECOMPLEXITY 18 error_complexity */
"Ran out of stack space trying to match the regular expression.", /* REG_ESTACK 19 error_stack */
"Invalid or unterminated Perl (?...) sequence.", /* REG_E_PERL 20 error_perl */
"Unknown error.", /* REG_E_UNKNOWN 21 error_unknown */
return (n > ::boost::regex_constants::error_unknown) ? s_default_error_messages[ ::boost::regex_constants::error_unknown] : s_default_error_messages[n];