I am fairly new to ML and am currently implementing a simple 3D CNN in python using tensorflow and keras. I want to optimize based on the AUC and would also like to use early stopping/save the best network in terms of AUC score. I have been using tensorflow's AUC function for this as shown below, and it works well for the training. However, the hdf5 file is not saved (despite the checkpoint save_best_only=True) and hence I cannot get the best weights for the evaluation.
Here are the relevant lines of code:
filepath = mypath
check = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor=tf.keras.metrics.AUC(), save_best_only=True,
earlyStopping = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor=tf.keras.metrics.AUC(), patience=hyperparams['pat'],mode='auto')
history = model.fit(X_trn, y_trn,
callbacks=[check, earlyStopping],
validation_data=(X_val, y_val),
Interestingly, if I only change monitor='val_loss' in the early stopping and checkpoint (not the 'metrics' in model.compile), the hdf5 file is saved but obviously gives the best result in terms of validation loss. I have also tried using mode='max' but the problem is the same. I would very much appreciate your advise, or any other constructive ideas how to work around this problem.
Turns out that even if you add a non-keyword metric, you still need to use its handle to refer to in when you want to monitor it. In your case you can do this:
auc = tf.keras.metrics.AUC() # instantiate it here to have a shorter handle
check = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath,
monitor='auc', # even use the generated handle for monitoring the training AUC
mode='max') # determine better models according to "max" AUC.
if you want to monitor the validation AUC (which makes more sense), simply add val_
in the beginning of the handle:
check = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath,
monitor='val_auc', # validation AUC
Another problem is that you ModelCheckpoint is saving the weights based on the minimum AUC instead of the max, which you want.
This can be changed by setting mode='max'
What does mode='auto'
This setting essentially checks if the argument of monitor contains 'acc'
and sets it to max. In any other case it sets uses mode='min'
, which is what is happening in your case.
You can confirm this here